Parents are required to contact the school every day for any absence other than holiday. Council policy is that we will contact a parent if a child is absent and no communication has been forthcoming from the parent. We may do this by phone or text message.
Early Learning and Childcare Attendance
A child’s entitlement to funded ELC will be 1140 hours (pro rata), generally arranged as 5 x 6 hour sessions over 38 weeks within the school year. However, some standalone units are offering a different pattern of provision. Information on what nurseries are offering can be obtained from each nursery or school or on the Council website.
Children who attend in a regular pattern settle well into the early learning and childcare routine, have the opportunity to build firm relationships with adults and peers and experience continuity of learning. During the induction period however, adaptations are made to meet the needs of the individual child.
School Attendance
Parents/carers are responsible for ensuring that their children attend school regularly and arrive on time. They are also responsible for ensuring the safety of their children on their journeys to and from school.
Regular and punctual attendance is linked closely to achievement and school staff wish to work with parents/carers to ensure that children can reach their full potential. The school is required by law to maintain an accurate record of the attendance and absence of each pupil and parents/carers are requested to assist in this process by keeping the school informed if their child is to be absent for any reason.
It is important to note that if a child does not arrive at school and there is no reasonable explanation provided for his/her absence then members of staff will be required to ascertain the whereabouts and safety of the individual child. In order to avoid causing unnecessary concern for staff and parents/carers, the importance of good communication between home and school cannot be over-emphasised.
Parents are asked to assist school staff by contacting the school before 9.30am to report a child’s absence. If no notification of absence has been indicated by this time the school will attempt to contact the parent to confirm that the absence is genuine and the reason recorded. We manage our attendance process using EMC 3.03 and Scottish Government Guidelines.
Planned Absence
- Parents/carers are encouraged not to arrange family holidays during term time but it is realised that, in exceptional circumstances, this is unavoidable. In such cases, parents/carers are asked to seek permission from the Head Teacher and provide information of the dates when the child is to be absent from the school in good time.
- Except in cases of emergency, planned appointments for children to attend the dentist or doctor should be made outwith the school day.